A Day In The Life Of A Laptop
· Laptop- Macbook Pro
· User- Arturo Davila (Me)
· Youtube Gopher- Dramatic Look Gopher
Production Date- April 5th, 2011
Location- My house
· Bed
· Work Table
· Leg Rest
· Kalimba by Mr. Scruff
· Cure For The Itch by Linkin Park
Summary: This movie is about the everyday life of a laptop. It also goes into what one would think while you are using it. It shows how it is being used for the internet, homework, movies, music, and the internet. Once that is all done it is taken back to the owner’s room to be shut off before doing the routine again the next day.
Creator Commentary: When I started this movie I had no idea what I was going to do. But then I thought of one thing we always use but take for granted, our laptops. The movie itself was fairly easy to make since I did what people usually do with their laptops in the day. I just filmed myself while I did it. I chose the song since laptops are electronic and that was the most electronica song I know. Hopefully with this we can fully appreciate what our laptops have to go through with us everyday.